7 Benefits of an Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient drug rehab is much different than inpatient drug rehab. Inpatient drug rehab offers more intense, closely monitored recovery while outpatient drug rehab provides a slightly more customizable approach.

If you or someone you love is dealing with an addiction, the best way to determine the kind of rehab that’s right for them is by learning as much as possible about them. Keep reading to learn about outpatient drug rehab and all its benefits.

What is Outpatient Drug Rehab?

Outpatient drug rehab is a program that the patient attends during specific hours. Rather than a program that houses and feeds the patient, it’s more like a traditional therapy setting.

There are different kinds of outpatient drug rehab and each of them has its own time commitments. Some treatment programs take place in counselor’s offices, mental health clinics, hospitals, or anywhere else that provides a neutral setting for treatment.

Outpatient drug rehab can be as intensive as a 5 day a week program, with as many as 20 hours spent in treatment. More commonly, outpatient drug rehab consists of 1 or 2 weekly sessions that can last as long as 3 months.

During outpatient drug rehab, the patient can expect therapy and counseling where they learn what their triggers are and how to cope with the thoughts and feelings they’ll experience as they navigate a life of sobriety. Some outpatient drug rehab facilities offer group therapy as well. Many people who deal with addiction find that a group or community is the best way to battle their addiction.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Gets You the Help You Need

Ultimately, the biggest benefit of any drug rehab is that it can give you the help you need to succeed. Addiction is a difficult battle regardless of how you choose to fight it. But when you seek help from a treatment center, you’re allowing yourself to learn how to use various tools to stay sober.

Outpatient drug rehab is not like an anonymous meeting. It’s a counseling schedule that can help you strengthen your sobriety.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Fits Your Schedule

Another benefit of outpatient drug rehab is that it fits into your schedule. You will be able to maintain many of your typical activities.

There will still be a substantial time commitment that you have to consider when opting for outpatient drug rehab. You will likely spend at least 5-10 hours a week in therapy in order to develop the skills needed to stay sober.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Allows for Discretion

When you go to inpatient treatment, there’s no way to be subtle about it. You have to ask for time off from work or school. Many patients decide to tell their employers that they are going to a rehab facility, which can be demeaning.

Outpatient drug rehab can be much more discreet. You don’t have to disclose anything to your employer because you will still be available for many of your previous activities.

Outpatient Drug Rehab is Tailored to Your Needs

When you go to an inpatient rehab facility, you’re in a group setting. You’ll have a schedule that you have to follow and specific rules for what you can do with your time. This is a great benefit to many patients because, if left to their own devices, they’ll make the choice to go back to their addiction.

However, when you go to an outpatient drug rehab facility, you can get more personalized attention from a counselor or therapist in a one-on-one setting. Everything can be tailored to meet your needs. There will be less emphasis on a group and more emphasis on what your specific triggers are and how you can cope with them.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Can Build on Skills from Other Treatments

Whether you’re transitioning from an inpatient program to an outpatient program or you’re simply in therapy for other reasons, outpatient therapy will be able to build on the skills you’ve learned from other places.

The main purpose of outpatient therapy is to help you transition from an intensive inpatient program into the outside world. It can be extremely jarring for someone to go from the sheltered and structured environment of an inpatient facility to their unstructured life.

Outpatient Drug Rehab is Less Expensive

Another big benefit of outpatient drug rehab is that it typically costs a lot less than inpatient treatment. This is due to a lot of reasons, but mostly because you won’t be living there for an extended period of time.

With your inpatient bill, you’re not only paying for the therapy you’re receiving but also for your food, room, and board.

You may also have more luck with getting your insurance program to pay for outpatient treatment. It could wind up costing you very little out of pocket.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Allows You to Maintain Employment

A huge benefit of outpatient therapy is that it will allow you to maintain employment. Even if you have to find a part-time job to work around your outpatient therapy schedule, you’ll be able to keep working and support yourself.

As much as inpatient therapy is the best option for most addicts, many people can’t justify going away for a few months and losing all that income. Outpatient therapy could mean the difference between you keeping your job or losing it because you can’t be there to perform.

Find Drug Rehab Facilities Near You

Finding a good outpatient drug rehab is important. You need to make sure that the facility you choose is able to work around your schedule and provide you with the kind of treatment you need to kick your addiction. There’s no doubt that finding a facility that you can trust should be at the top of your priority list.

If you’re looking for a reputable recovery center in the Austin area, contact us today.