We Offer Both 12-Step and Non-12-Step Programs
You make the call what program is right for you – with our guidance. At Oakvine, we recognize and respect that not every recovery program works for every individual. Recovery is a life-long commitment and our goal is to guide you on the path that meets your unique needs. That is why we offer multiple treatment paths.
We offer 12-Steps programs and non 12-step programming options, such as:
- Art therapy
- Pet therapy
- Music therapy
- Yoga therapy
- Kickboxing therapy
We also offer Medication Assisted Treatment and cutting-edge science-based treatments such as:
We’ll introduce you to the breadth of our programming and then work with you to see what works best for you.
Both 12-Step and non 12-Step programs are similar in that they require abstinence and offer individual counseling and group support meetings. Both also have long records of success in helping people overcome their addictions. The major difference between them is that the 12-Step approach is based on a reliance on a higher power, while the non 12-step programming focuses on self-motivation.
12-Step Programs
Founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a non-profit foundation that helps people reach sobriety through spirituality. According to the organization’s website, AA is “an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere.”
Here is a description of the 12 Steps:
- Honesty – admitting you have a dependency problem
- Faith – recognizing your belief and trust in a higher power
- Surrender – turning everything over to that higher power
- Soul Searching – taking a fearless self-inventory
- Integrity – admitting your wrongs to yourself and others
- Acceptance – accepting character defects and being willing to let them go
- Humility – asking a higher power to do something in you that you cannot do by yourself
- Willingness – making amends with those you have harmed
- Forgiveness – forgiving those who have harmed you.
- Maintenance – doing the spiritual work necessary to keep moving forward
- Making Contact – discovering the plan God has for your life
- Service – putting the program’s principles into action in all parts of your life
AA meetings typically include the reciting of The Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
While AA meetings focus on alcoholism, many other support groups and recovery treatment programs, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA), have adopted the 12-Step method to their own treatment plans. The principles that guide these 12-Step support groups are focused on fellowship and helps individuals form a network of peers who are working toward sustained sobriety.
The language of 12-Step programs allows for different interpretations and religious beliefs. As a result, many non-religious people have found the program essential. However, the 12-Step approach does not appeal to everyone.
Some people prefer what has come to be known as a Non-12-Step Program, meaning one that is focused on scientific and evidence-based guidance rather than spiritual guidance. Alternatives to 12-Step recovery programs evolve with new scientific research and typically are more flexible in their approaches than AA and other 12-Step plans.
No One-Size-Fits-All Approach
Participating in a recovery treatment support group, along with Oakvine’s other proven therapies, provides patients with many benefits. A support group offers social interaction, helps you develop coping skills, enhances your motivation, and increases your sense of well-being.
Some of our new patients may be hesitant regarding the amount of personal sharing they might have to do at a support group meeting. In most groups, you can share as little or as much as you want. We’ve found that it gets easier to open up about yourself and your recovery journey as you get to know the other group members.
However, we know from experience that the same program will not work for every person. Your road to recovery will be as unique as the path that led you to seek treatment in the first place. Also, you can observe support group meetings to help decide which one is the right fit for you.
At Oakvine, we will help guide you in this decision. Many of our staff members have been through these recovery treatment programs ourselves, so we fully understand the challenges you are facing.
If you have questions about our programming options, please let us know. Feel free to call us at . All of our calls are 100% confidential. We will be happy to offer you more information. Our only goal is your recovery.